Founder Get Together

26.10.2017|09:24 Uhr

Wuppertal, the founder get together!
Further dates and information about the location and registration

Dear students,

in July 2016, the #GründerstammtischWuppertal, organized by Bizeps with the support of the W-tec, celebrated its kick-off event, where more than 60 founders and interested persons have appeared. We are very happy about the great interest and the exciting discussions!

As we have created an ongoing format for the startup scene with the start-up table, the dates are as follows:

25.10.2017 from 6 pm

Theme: # 16 "Successful Startups"

Location: BUW Campus Grifflenberg Gaußstr. 20, 42119 Wuppertal Room: M.12.22 (C'Entrepreneur)

29.11.2017 from 6 pm

Theme: # 17 "Digital Startups"

Location: Mello GmbH - Chocolate factory, Obergrünewalder Str. 8a, 42103 Wuppertal

20.12.2017 from 6 pm

Theme: # 18 "x-mas Edition"

Location: W-tec, Heinz-Fangman-Str. 2-4, 42287 Wuppertal, Haus 5, workspace in the attic

31.01.2018 from 6 pm

Theme: # 19 "PITCH PARTY of the bizeps Startup Academy"

Location: BUW Campus Grifflenberg, Gaußstr. 20, 42119 Wuppertal, area: M.12.25

28.02.2018 from 6 pm

Theme: # 20 "FinTech Startups"

Location: Stadtsparkasse Wuppertal, Icelandufer 15, 42103 Wuppertal, 19th floor (glass box)

28.03.2018 from 6 pm

Theme: # 21 "Startups made in the Bergisches Land"

Location: W-tec, Heinz-Fangman-Str. 2-4, 42287 Wuppertal, Haus 5, workspace on the top flor

25.04.2018 from 6 pm

Topic: # 22 "Blockchain & Bitcoin"

Location: BUW Campus Grifflenberg, Gaußstr. 20, 42119 Wuppertal, Room: M.12.22 (C'Entrepreneur)

We would be very pleased if you would visit us at one or all of the dates and tell us about your format.

We always start at 6 pm and have the following program:

6 pm - Get together & pizza networking

6.45 pm - Welcome and Introduction

7 pm - Keynote founder No 1

7.30 pm - Keynote founder No 2

20.00 clock - 2x ideas pitch (5 minutes pitch & 5 minutes feedback)

20.20 clock - networking

If you are interested in start-ups or start-ups, you can register for a 5-minute pitch with the following 5-minute Q and A: engel {at}

In general, a registration should be made at the start-up table via Facebook or by e-mail ( All the information on the registrationabout the upcoming founder tribe tables is communicated here:

- Facebook page of the biceps

- Facebook group "Gründerstammtisch Wuppertal"

The chair team

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